Austroads project
This world first, two-year research project, is being undertaken for Australia and New Zealand.

Project overview
Aim: To investigate specialty harness/vests often used by children with disabilities and medical conditions (and older occupants) when travelling in motor vehicles.
Partners: MACA is delivering this Austroads project, in partnership with The George Institute for Global Health.
Project working group: The Austroads project working group members are:
- Project Manager, Tom Whyte, Transport for NSW
- Helen Lindner and Emma Clarkson, MACA Ltd
- Louise Purcell, Department of Transport and Planning (Vic)
- Alysse Gavlik, Department of State Growth (Tas)
Years: 2022-2024. The project report is expected to be published by Austroads in early 2025.



The challenge
Despite MACA's national survey showing that specialty harness/vests are the most commonly prescribed accessory product, there is a lack of research regarding their design, safety, performance, and use.
This world first, two-year research project, is being undertaken for both Australia and New Zealand and will address these knowledge gaps.
The outcomes of this work will help to develop information and recommendations to guide specialty harness/vest selection and use for children and young people with disabilities and medical conditions.
The project will also provide benefit to adult vehicle occupants.

This project includes three key activities:
- Undertaking a survey to provide a holistic understanding of specialty harness/vest use and access in the community. (Completed)
- Conducting a desktop review of vehicle types specialty harnesses/vests are used in; harness/vest products; compliance with vehicle standards, Australian/New Zealand standards, overseas standards, and road laws; as well as potential safety and usability issues. (In progress)
- Engagement of experts to review the range of specialty harnesses/vests and provide recommendations relating to safe use in motor vehicles. (Completed)